Get Your Pre Pregnancy Figure Back with a Mommy Makeover

Mommy Makeover Surgery – Naples & Fort Myers, Florida

While a new baby brings eternal happiness into a mother’s life, pregnancy can also cause changes to the body.  While many women try their best to restore their pre-baby figure, sometimes a mommy makeover is needed. This procedure can help to address excess fat and skin on the abdomen, sagging and drooping breasts, and excess fat pockets on other areas of the body.

Dr. Mark Prysi guides and treats every woman in person to address her cosmetic goals and establish a personalized mommy makeover treatment plan. Dr. Prysi is the most reliable plastic surgeon in Florida who creates natural-looking and marvelous results with his expertise.

Candidates for Mommy Makeover

Women who have faced changes in their bodies after pregnancy are the best candidates for a mommy makeover. Women experiencing excess fat in the abdominal region, drooping breasts after breastfeeding, and loose skin in the lower abdomen are often suitable candidates.

What Does a Mommy Makeover Entail?

A mommy makeover procedure might be comprised of one or more procedures that can be strategically executed in a single surgery. The customization of the treatment depends upon the patient and involves the combination of breast surgery, liposuction, and tummy tuck or abdominoplasty. Breast surgery involves multiple procedures like enhancing, lifting, or reducing breasts. Liposuction eliminates stubborn fat deposits from your thighs, back, buttocks, knees, neck or upper arms.

Recovering from a Mommy Makeover in Naples

After the mommy makeover procedure, there is some downtime before you can resume your normal life activities. Heavy lifting, bending, and even lifting your children is prohibited for several weeks after the surgery. You must seek help from some friends or a family member in taking care of your children and house as you need to rest as much as possible to recover after a mommy makeover. The recovery period is about several weeks, varying from patient to patient. Several follow-up appointments are required to observe your healing progress.

Contact Prysi Cosmetic Surgery in Naples, Florida today to schedule your consultation with Dr. Prysi!