What to Know About Blepharoplasty

It’s a natural part of aging to experience sagging and skin laxity around the eyes. Unfortunately, it can seem like you look older than you really feel. One effective way to rejuvenate the eyes and brighten the face is blepharoplasty, or eyelid surgery. If you’re looking for one of the best ways to transform your eyes and achieve a youthful look, then here’s what to know about it.

Benefits of Blepharoplasty

Blepharoplasty can be performed on the upper and lower eyelids. The result is a more youthful, awake look and can even improve your vision if you have excess skin that hangs too low. People who benefit most from blepharoplasty have under-eye bags, unwanted skin on the upper or lower eyelids, or excess skin on the upper eyelids that interfere with the vision. It’s possible to have blepharoplasty performed on both the upper and lower eyelids at the same time. It’s also possible to have it performed at the same time as another procedure, like a facelift or a brow lift.

Deciding if Blepharoplasty is Right for You

It’s important to discuss your cosmetic goals with your plastic surgeon to decide if blepharoplasty is the right option for you. Some potential risks of this surgery include infection, bleeding, noticeable scarring, skin discoloration, and irritated eyes. There are risks with every surgical procedure, but the best way to mitigate them is by selecting an experienced, board certified plastic surgeon. During your consultation, you’ll assess whether blepharoplasty is the best option for your goals. In some cases, a brow lift is more suited to some patients if they’re experiencing sagging as a result of aging in the brow.

What to Expect Before, During, and After Blepharoplasty

Eyelid surgery is a minimally-invasive procedure and can sometimes be performed with a local anesthetic and IV sedation. If both the upper and lower eyelids are addressed during surgery, the upper lids will usually be done first. In this case, an incision is made within the natural crease of the eye. Then, excess skin, fatty deposits, and loose muscle will be repositioned and removed appropriately. Finally, the incisions are closed. During lower eyelid surgery, an incision is made in or near the lower lash line. This allows for repositioning of the fat pads underneath the eyes and lifting the excess skin to a more youthful position.

After you return home, you can expect some swelling and bruising, as well as dryness and sensitivity to light. You’ll receive detailed instructions on how to care for your results and avoid irritation. This might include steps like using eye drops and sleeping with your head elevated. Most patients can return to work within a week or so, but Dr. Prysi will give you the best idea of what you can expect from your recovery time frame.

Schedule a Consultation

Blepharoplasty is an excellent option for rejuvenating the upper face and removing sagging skin and fat. To learn more about how a board-certified plastic surgeon can help, we invite you to meet with Dr. Prysi by scheduling a consultation. You can contact us by calling our Naples office or filling out our online form.